Let us help you find best services right here!
Jeypore.net platform will help you finding out all the services available in Jeypore and nearby areas so that you can easily avail the services with out any hassle. Please browse through the website to find out anything and everything that you need.
Let’s build jeypore.net together. Let’s get every small business, entrepreneur, idea to have platform to showcase their skills. Lets build a great Jeypore!
If you know anyone who provides good service then please encourage them to add their details on jeypore.net which will help them getting more business at the same time will help people of Jeypore to get good service!
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Jeypore was established by King Vikram Dev in the mid-17th century. In 1649, Maharaja Veer Vikram Dev abandoned the old capital of Nandapur and founded Jeypore, located amidst hilly ranges and dense forests. Jeypore emerged as the business hub of south Odisha in the 19th and 20th centuries. Jeypore has many notable educational institutions. Since Jeypore is well connected with rest of India, many neighbouring districts depend on Jeypore for business.
Biswanath Rath is a famous filmmaker hailing from Jeypore…have a look at some of his brilliant work..
Read Biswanath’s thoughts on jeypore.net – Jeypore can once again become ‘the city of victory’
Have a talent to showcase? contact us to get yourself featured here!
Anyone can add listings. We encourage anyone with any service offerings to list in this website. After you add your listing using the add listing button, we will verify the details and add the listing in the website.
Listing can be of various categories. For example you can add listing for your business , service or you can just add a listing for renting your home. If you find a category matching your needs – just go ahead and add the listing. If you don’t find the category then please contact us to get it added.
The basic listing is free of charge. We offer advanced listing as well where you can showcase your menu items, manage appointments all with in the jeypore.net website.
If you have queries on advanced listing features then please contact us.
Yes. You can delete the listing once added. You can either delete them using your profile dashboard or you can contact us to delete the listing.